The Dunston Harriers are a very friendly Norfolk trail hunt. We have around 100 members who join us whenever possible for our regular meets between September and March. We have 15 and a half couple of hounds (31) who have been bred over the years to suit the beautiful and varied local country. They have been trained to follow pre-laid scents with our hunt operating lawfully at all times. We are enthusiastic about preserving the best aspects of traditional hunting whilst reflecting changes in public sentiment and the law.

The Dunston Harriers today are in fine form. The Hunt and followers have adapted well to changes in the law. The hounds always follow a scent trail and we have the opportunity to enjoy beautiful routes through the local countryside. The important things remain unchanged. As long as people continue to love horses, nature, fresh air and the companionship of likeminded folk, trail hunting with hounds will have a place in Norfolk. Our followers make us what we are. We welcome you to join us and be part of today's Dunston Harriers.